Outdoor Trek 2017 Auditions: "Day of the Dove"

Hello Earth’s more-than-five-year mission is to excite and inspire audiences with our vibrant fusion of sci-fi and pop culture, to create strange new worlds and art that stimulates questions, to push beyond the boundaries of imagination with nontraditional casting and innovative stagecraft, and to boldly expand the frontiers of live theatrical experience.

Now in its seventh season, previous Star Trek episodes have been “The Naked Time," “This Side of Paradise,” "Devil in the Dark," "Mirror, Mirror," "Amok Time," and “Space Seed.” This year, we're presenting political thriller "Day of the Dove."

We need actors to fill all roles (except Kirk and Spock). We are committed to diverse and creative casting; we want the right person for the role, not the "right" race, gender, ethnicity, body type, or acting resume. All are welcome to apply. We are not looking for impersonation. We are looking for creative people who want to be part of the process both on and off stage.

When and Where:
Tuesday, March 28, 7-9pm, Studio I on the 4th floor of the Armory
Saturday, April 1, 5-7pm, Studio D on the 4th floor of the Armory

What: Auditions will consist of cold readings. Please be prepared to stay for the entire time; we may not need you for that long but we will be holding callbacks after hearing everyone. Auditions are also taking place on Saturday, April 1st, but you need attend only one session.
Performances will take place on four consecutive weekends at the end of July and beginning of August outside at Blanche Lavizzo Park.

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Hello Earthlings! As some of you know, Hello Earth was founded by Kris Hambrick and Joy DeLyria. While we've had loads of help and suppo...