Officers Commissioned

"Day of the Dove" has been cast! You'll see some people returning, some new faces, and some returning faces in new roles. Look for more info about the cast as we move forward with rehearsals!

Enterprise Crew

Kris 'Pepper' Hambrick as Kirk
Helen Parson as Spock
Merri Ann Osborn as McCoy
Helen Tang as Scott
Jenny Buehler as Chekov
Michael Bowers as Sulu
Ryan Scheunemann as Uhura 
Greg Beach as Johnson
Betsy Haddox as the Computer


Nathan Ureta as Kang
Anna Richardson as Mara
Jack Andrews as Klingon
Laurel Clark as Klingon
Umberto Lenzi as Klingon

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Hello Earthlings! As some of you know, Hello Earth was founded by Kris Hambrick and Joy DeLyria. While we've had loads of help and suppo...