Gearing up for the New Year

Happy Holidays! We hope everyone's had a wonderful holiday season and that next year is looking bright.

Now that the inaugural year of Outdoor Trek is coming to an end, it's time to start looking forward. We will be back next summer, and given the response it should be bigger than ever.

A lot of you have asked what you can do to help, and that's why I'm writing today. We want to put on the best show we can, and that needs a lot of people. So here are some things you can do:

1) TELL YOUR FRIENDS. This is the most important thing of all. Word of mouth is the best advertising, and what we really need is for you to check back here, to follow us at @hello_earth, and to make sure that when we have more details, they get to everyone who needs to hear them.
2) VOLUNTEER. Keep checking back here for audition notices and more specific information as we get closer. But we don't just need actors. We need people to help with publicity, with tech, with donations, and with shoring up our web presence. If you have expertise or interest in any of these areas, please email us at And let your friends know, if any of them might be interested.
3. COME SEE US THIS SUMMER. We'll have dates for you in the coming months. Without you, there is no show. So keep an eye out and mark your calenders.

Thanks to everyone who came out and made year one a success. Please help us make year two even better.

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Hello Earthlings! As some of you know, Hello Earth was founded by Kris Hambrick and Joy DeLyria. While we've had loads of help and suppo...