Hello Hello Earthlings!

Happy spring! We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the years and your inquiries about this summer. We apologize for the lateness of this announcement, but as you may know our production team is very small and we have had to take some time to figure out our schedule.

We can't let you in on what we're doing just yet, because it will take some planning. We CAN tell you it will be in the vein of what we've been doing, but totally new, and still totally free. It will also require an indoor space and, thus, unsuitable for the park. It also has some technical requirements we will need some time to work out. For these reasons, we plan on having an announcement at the end of June about a show in October, just in time for Halloween. We hope to also have an announcement about next summer's show very soon, so stay tuned!

And if anyone out there has connections with either a venue or a lighting designer, please get in touch.

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Hello Earthlings! As some of you know, Hello Earth was founded by Kris Hambrick and Joy DeLyria. While we've had loads of help and suppo...