Volunteer Open House

Are you a fan of outdoor theater? Of Star Trek? Of Outdoor Trek? Ever wanted to help with Outdoor Trek, without knowing quite what to do?  Well, here's your chance to join the team! 

Join us Sunday, February 16, any time between 5pm and 8pm in the Armory/Center House in Seattle Center.  Come drop in and say hi to the cast and crew of Hello Earth. We'll be talking about our upcoming show, "Mirror, Mirror," as well as how YOU can be part of it. Whether you're interested in PR, promotion, costumes/sets/props, or joining our Away Team for production days, come down to the Armory/Center House at Seattle Center any time between 5 and 8 and talk to us!

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Hello Earthlings! As some of you know, Hello Earth was founded by Kris Hambrick and Joy DeLyria. While we've had loads of help and suppo...